送料一律199円! 3,980円以上で送料無料※一部離島・沖縄県のぞく

Shopping Guide

 About your order

Products in stock, We expect to prepare it for shipment within 3-5 business days.
※Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
※Pre-order items can be shipped after the release date has passed.
※Each product cannot be shipped separately.
It will be shipped as soon as all the products are available.
※Delivery date cannot be specified.
※Cannot be bundled.

※Please enter all customer information in English.
We may not be able to ship items in languages ​​other than English.

Delivery by DHL
※Delivery company cannot be selected

about shipping cost

※Shipping charges do not include customs duties.
Customs duties and local costs are the responsibility of the customer.
Customs duties and local costs vary depending on the order amount and region, so we are unable to provide detailed information.

About order confirmation email
and shipping notification email

coca@cocacoca.jp】Please set up so that you can receive this address.
※There is a time difference between the order confirmation email and the automatic delivery email.

If you do not receive the email, the following may be the cause:
・ The email address you registered is incorrect.
・ Reception error on your email server.
・ There is a possibility that your email reception setting is restricted.
・ Sort to spam folder.
※If you do not receive an email from our store within a few days after placing your order. 【Customer center/coca@cocacoca.jp】Please contact us here

Regarding cancellation and returns and exchange after ordering

In order to ship quickly,Cancellations are not accepted after ordering.
Defective products only can be returned&accept exchanges.

※Before completing your order,【Size】・【Color】・【Price】・【quantity】・【Delivery address】etc, please be sure to check that your order details are correct.

Long-term absence/refusal to receive/incomplete address etc, Regarding cancellation due to customer convenience

・We do not accept any cancellations after shipping.
・If we are unable to pick up the package due to customer circumstances, we will charge a [fee].
※In the case of a return due to the customer's convenience after the product has been shipped, we will charge all costs incurred, including shipping and handling fees at the time of shipping and return.
※Please note that if the return is due to customer circumstances, we cannot accept reshipping.
※We may refuse any future orders due to past collection history.

・Your passport number, etc. may be required after the product is shipped.
If the submission is not received, the transaction will be canceled and the handling fee will be borne by the customer.


・Orders cannot be placed by phone or fax.

・We do not provide gift wrapping service.

・If you let us know in the notes section that you don't need a statement, we will ship the item without the purchase statement that clearly states the amount.

・We may cancel orders that we determine to be suspected of fraudulent use.

■Example of order details suspected of fraudulent use■
 ・It matches the shipping address used for fraudulent orders in the past.
 ・The characteristics of the order are similar to previously detected fraudulent orders.
 ・Billing address or credit card address is unavailable
 ・Payment errors occur many times when making card payments
 ・Security code (CVV) is not available
 ・Orders for resale purposes, etc. 

 About payment

Payment methods that can be used

・credit card(Visa/Mastercard/American Express/JCB)
・Shop pay
・Amazon pay
・Apple Pay
・Google Pay

About credit cards

・【Installment payments】 and 【revolving payments】 cannot be set at the time of payment.
If you wish to do so, you will need to contact your credit card issuer to complete the procedure.
Due to the system of Shopify Payments, our payment agency, we are unable to respond to your request.Thank you for your understanding.

※For credit card payments, we use the credit card payment agency Shopify Payments.In order to make payments with peace of mind, when customer information is sent via Shopify, Inc., it is encrypted using SSL (128bit), and credit card information is not held by this site, but is stored by the company. It is strictly managed.

About Shop pay

Shop Pay is a payment service provided by the online shopping system "Shopify".

When you register your email address and mobile phone number with Shop Pay,Just enter the [6-digit shop pay code (SMS authentication)] sent to your email address and mobile phone number the next time you make a purchaseThat's all you need to do, and you can easily pay without having to enter your shipping address or credit card information again.
You can also save the hassle of entering your information at other stores around the world that have introduced Shop Pay payments.

・When using Shop Pay payment, a 6-digit Shop Pay code will be sent to your registered mobile phone via SMS (short message).
→It is a system that allows payment procedures to be made by entering a code, and security measures have been taken to ensure that only the person who can confirm the code can use the payment method.

・If you want to stop using Shop Pay
→You can delete your account at any time from the web page. If you delete your Shop Pay account, the information stored in Shop Pay will be permanently deleted.
・Shop pay and our store's registration information are managed separately. Deleting your Shop Pay account will not delete your member account at our store.
Shop Pay login page
Shop Account deletion page

About Paypal

・You can make payments using only your ID and password by registering your credit card or debit card or setting up bank account transfer.
※You will need to register and log in to your PayPal account.

How to use PayPal
PayPal customer support(You can check various account settings and changes, identity verification procedures, security and troubleshooting methods, etc.)

・Please check the website for compatible bank accounts, cards, and debit cards.
・Please note that Paypal membership registration is managed separately from our store's membership registration information.
・※Regarding refunds for orders placed from overseas・・・If the refund date is [more than 1 day after the original payment], the PayPal transaction exchange rate on the refund date will be applied.

About Amazon pay、Apple pay、Google Pay

・You can use the information registered in your usual account, so there is no need to enter your credit card information or address every time.
・Please note that this information will be managed separately from our member registration information.
・Please check each website for Q&A, compatible cards, and compatible electronic money.

Amazon pay
Amazon pay:FAQ

Apple pay
Google pay

 About size notation

All sizes listed in our store are actual measurements taken by our staff when the item is laid flat.
Since people have different body shapes and preferences in how they wear clothes, it is most accurate to compare actual measurements.
It may be easier to get an idea of ​​the size by comparing the size with the item you already have, so please check this before purchasing.

※important point※
There may be slight variations in size depending on the product.
We try to measure the exact size, but since the actual size is the sample size, there may be some errors.
Thank you for your understanding.

News letter